Visitors to Texas and an early Thanksgiving

My family descended upon Texas during the recent arctic blast (although I guess it still felt warm to those northerners) to celebrate my brother’s birthday and an early Thanksgiving. We still had fun even though we stayed indoors most of the weekend. Of course, the main attraction was seeing the two cousins together again. The evening they arrived, Harper was painfully shy and wouldn’t make eye contact for a while, even though she talked for weeks about Avery coming to visit. But she warmed up, like she always does.


We took the girls to the children’s museum and they loved it! We had to drag them out of there to grab lunch before their inevitable crash nap in the car. And they looked adorable in their matching outfits from Gramoo!





Cousins reading

We couldn’t get enough of their hugging, so we asked them to hug many times that weekend.



My mom loved having both of her granddaughters together.

Mamie and her granddaughters

Me and my niece

And Avery practiced her serious pose.



I think Avery’s favorite part of the visit was chasing Maeby and trying to lay on her.

Avery loves cats


Cousins lounging

Best friends!


The girls loved having their Uncle Chris to entertain them with shoulder rides and laundry basket rides.

Shoulder rides

Uncles are fun!

We prepared a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and while the turkey was cooking, the girls took a wagon ride around the neighborhood and played with play-doh.

Wagon ride!

Playing with play-doh

After dinner, we put the girls to work cleaning up the kitchen.

Helping to clean up

Towards the end of their visit, it started to warm up a bit and the girls got some backyard playtime with Mamie.

Playing outside

Playing outside

We were sad to see them go and for a few days after they left, Harper kept asking about Avery. We’ll see them again next year once baby brother is born!!

12 in 2014: October & November

I totally missed my monthly update for October, but it was a busy month for us! Here are a few pics of us with our little Harper from this month and last.

October: Me with both my babies!

Mommy and daughter

Mommy and daughter

November: Snuggling her daddy

Snuggling her daddy

It’s a boy!

Our recent ultrasound revealed we are having a boy! Harper is so excited to have a baby brother!

I'm getting a baby brother!

It's a boy!

It's a boy!

It's a boy!

It's a boy!

I'm getting a baby brother!