one kitten step at a time

The morning after we brought the kittens home, we let them out of their kitty room and they slowly roamed around the upstairs until they found the stairs. I was a bit worried that they would be scared of the stairs or fall through them or something, but it took them only a few minutes to get the hang of them until the stairs became their new favorite place to play. Like a kitty jungle gym!

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

Kittehs on stairs

new kittens!

I’d like to introduce you to the new members of my family: my two new kittens!!! I’ve been waiting a long long time to get a kitty of my own. I haven’t had a pet since I lived at home – my beloved black cat named Mojo. He stayed with my dad when I went off to college and then moved with him to Flagstaff. I’ve always been a lover of cats and now I have my own to spoil!

We waited until we had a permanent place to live and were settled in so that we could devote some time and attention to them. We initially were going to get one cat, but I knew in the back of my mind it would be best to get two so they can keep each other company while we’re at work. We went to Austin Pets Alive! to pick one out and found a beautiful and friendly calico. I’d always wanted a calico! Well, this calico girl had a friend – a younger black kitten – that was pretty attached to her. The minute I picked her up and held her, I knew we couldn’t say no. So we took them both!

New Kittens

We brought them home and put them in our spare bedroom with all their essentials (and non-essentials) and they were immediately comfortable. They started playing immediately and scarfed down their food. They are extremely friendly and love to cuddle. But they also like to play a lot, like kittens do.

New Kittens

New Kittens

New Kittens

New Kittens

New Kittens

New Kittens

New Kittens

The next morning, they quickly took over the rest of the house and made themselves right at home!

It took us two days to name them. We finally settled on Margot and Maeby. Margot (black kitty) is named after a character in one of our favorite movies The Royal Tenenbaums and Maeby (calico) is named after a character in one of our favorite TV shows Arrested Development.

New Kittens

Blog readers (all 3 of you): I just want to forewarn you, I will be posting a lot of photos and videos of these cute kittens! I apologize in advance.