summer days with harper

The heat in Texas is setting in, so we’re taking advantage of the better part of summer before it gets too hot to move. Here’s what we’ve been up to.

Harper has been practicing her standing and loves to play at her activity table.

Punk rocker

Ruffle butt

Standing at her activity table

She LOVES to swing (with her mouth open wide the whole time)!

Swinging at the park

We also broke out her baby pool – she loved the cool water! Next, we’ll take her to the big pool to swim!

Playing in the pool

Playing in the pool

Playing in the pool

Oh, and remember this tiny little baby in a basket?


Well, she’s apparently outgrown her basket and doesn’t like it one bit!

Outgrown the basket

So, on to a new basket! Much better!

New basket!

Baby in a basket

After months of runny noses, congestion and hoping it was just a cold – I’m resigned to the fact that Harper has the dreaded Texas allergies. So we never leave the house without tissue or boogie wipes. Despite that, she’s a pretty happy baby!

Slow dancing with Daddy

Punk rocker

Summer dress

Happy girl